We Give BAck
InSpace x SCOOP
At InSpace, we believe in giving back – 10% of our profits go to charity. Our charity partner is SCOOP Foundation, which was set up by two brothers – the Sweeneys – over a decade ago to help young and displaced people all over the world.
Currently operating in the Middle East and at home here in Ireland, SCOOP believes in supporting and educating the next generation, especially young people at home and abroad who are suffering through no fault of their own. SCOOP runs a range of programmes for displaced young people to support their educational, creative and psycho-social development, specifically through SCOOP Ed.
SCOOP Ed provides young Internally Displaced People (IDP’s) living in camps in Iraq and refugees in Direct Provision in Ireland with programmes focused around Art, IT, Design, Music, STEM subjects, basic English and mindfulness.
In Ireland, they also run mentoring programmes with homeless services and for those at risk of homelessness, and they also deliver PPE equipment to homeless and youth services, nursing homes and Direct Provision centres.
As the world constantly changes, so does their focus. The SCOOP Foundation have built schools and supported doctor and ambulance services in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. They have renovated an orphanage and built three schools in Cambodia. They saved a school from closure in India, have supported emergency services in Syria during the ISIS war, and also financed much-needed surveys for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in Yemen.
Working in partnership with The Gaiety School of Acting and 3 other partners in Germany, Greece and Turkey, SCOOP will also be delivering The Isave Project. This project focuses on promoting inclusive self-advocacy, empowerment and the understanding of human rights for refugees aged 17-25 in Europe. After 2023, SCOOP will be taking full leadership of this project.
During Covid-19, the Sweeneys turned their focus to Direct Provision centres here in Ireland. Securing fifteen laptops from Dropbox, they have partnered with CreateSound to teach music production skills and to help people with their CV and IT skills. This is an area SCOOP Foundation will be developing further, with support from InSpace and our clients.
Read more about SCOOP Foundation: https://scoopfoundation.org